
Immortal Love is a haunting love story, as one would expect of a tale involving two of romantic Spain’s most romantic poets, but it is more than that. It is a story of  the struggle between the different, conflicting aspects of love, including love’s dark sisters, hate and jealousy, and what happens when they collide. For someone with only a passing familiarity with Spanish literature, it was a fascinating read and prompted me to try to learn more.

Sandra Carey Cody is the author of The Jenny Connors Mystery series and Love and Not Destroy.


Immortal Love takes us to a world where the Spanish romantic poet, Bécquer, immortalized already in the minds of so many readers, is alive. This immortal Bécquer senses emotions but not thoughts and is unable to write. Yet, romantic to the end, will sacrifice his life for the noblest of all feelings: Love.

If you want to enjoy Bécquer’s magic as you did the first time you read his work, this book is for you.

Pilar Alcalá, Filóloga, Coordinadora literaria de la Exposición Bécquer tan cerca… A través del arte (Sevilla, 2012).